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Since 2020, Crisp Estates has provided an outstanding customer experience while offering the most elite and exclusive lands on SecondLife. Our beachfront and sailing lands feature access to 100s of sailing SIMs, including: Blake Sea, North & South Heterocera Atoll, Zindra Ocean and Nautilus. We own hundreds of thousands of SQM across SecondLife and as such, we are able to provide competitive rates and a fully staffed support team. We welcome you to join the Crisp Estates family and experience a new level of service for your home or business. Try us today --- we can't wait to meet you!
Sales Team
In-World: Sacami Resident
Rental Executive

In-World: Tellemonstar Resident
Rental Executive

Management Team
In-World: Duckette Quack
VP Sales


Founder & Owner
In-World: Alexis.Crisp
Discord: AlexisCrisp

In-World: Docdarkside Resident
Discord: Docdarkside
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